Sunday 14 July 2013

I was just sitting here thinking about life today, and I mean what really is it all about. It seems that we all have to live to impress someone, and what sort of life is that? Everyone is always trying to fit in to society and be what people want them to be! But why can't society just accept individuals for who they really are..

I think this is half the problem with the amount of teenagers getting in trouble (rebelling) whatever you would like to call it, they are just kids that want to be accepted and when they are being looked down upon for being themselves what hope have they got? and what does it end in .. depression? alcoholism? drug addiction?

Its hard growing up and not feeling 'normal'.. if there is such a thing. But it seems to me that life has a system.. which is: go to school, college/university, work.. retire. then die, what fun is that though.. I literally take one day at a time.
I have no plan for my future and it will stay that way because I will always have that sense of adventure in my life, I don't want to know where I will be in 10 years time thanks.
Therefore I have CHOICE. something a lot of people don't have.

I wish more people had a laid back attitude towards life, I see no point in getting stressed with everything, then maybe the world would be a better place right?

You may agree or disagree, either way that's my thoughts, will be back soon to ramble more stuff no one wants to read. yaaaay! :)

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